Business events that generate business

Fresh Start Events are one of the UK’s leading organisers of business trade-shows, expos and business related conferences. We are currently delivering well established trade-shows in Newcastle, Teesside, Sheffield, Derby and have recently added NEVEEX and Huddersfield Business Show to the list.
Our events offer a unique experience to businesses of all sizes, providing an opportunity to exhibit, speak or simply attend. We normally deliver a trade-show once every six months at each location giving your business a great chance to network and develop strong brand awareness amongst all attendees. There is no membership fee required for any of our events and this attracts a wide range of delegates from all types of organisations.
Download our latest schedule of events or take a look at each event’s own page or website to book a ticket. If you need any further information about exhibiting, attending or speaking at any of our events, why not drop us an email .
We are always being told that our events are a great marketing platform so there’s nothing to risk except an hour or two of your time. Attendees at our trade-shows always get free tickets, no strings attached!
Why not come along to one of our fabulous trade-shows and see how Fresh Start Events really stand out from the crowd.

[luv_icon_box title_tag=”h3″ icon_size=”56″ color_scheme=”default” title=”ATTEND OUR EVENTS” icon=”ion-android-walk” title_font_size=”18px” title_responsive_font_size=”true” title_font_color=”#000000″ font_size=”15px”]The buzz word through the 00’s is networking and for some it forms a key part of their marketing strategy. However, networking regularly takes time something that is often in short supply in business.

Attending business shows allows you to network in one go with hundreds of other exhibitors, delegates, speakers and generally people like yourself that are looking to network and create connections, the difference is you can do it quickly in a relatively short space of time.[/luv_icon_box]

[luv_icon_box title_tag=”h3″ icon_size=”56″ color_scheme=”default” title=”EXHIBIT AT OUR EVENTS” icon=”fa fa-language” title_font_size=”18px” title_responsive_font_size=”true” title_font_color=”#000000″ font_size=”15px”]Exhibiting at an Expo or Business Show takes your marketing potential to another level.

  • Showcase your business capabilities
  • Build your potential client list
  • Extend your network with other exhibitors
  • Strengthen existing client relationships
  • Enhance your business credibility

For a minimal investment in time and resources, exhibiting at one of our Business Shows takes you closer to becoming the ‘go to business’ in your sector.[/luv_icon_box]

[luv_icon_box title_tag=”h3″ icon_size=”56″ color_scheme=”default” title=”SPEAK AT OUR EVENTS” icon=”ion-mic-a” title_font_size=”18px” title_responsive_font_size=”true” title_font_color=”#000000″ font_size=”15px”]In the world of sales it’s always a challenge to get an audience with prospective clients. So instead of trying to speak to one or two in a meeting, why not speak to tens or hundreds, all at the same time? That’s the opportunity speaking at a Business Show provides.

Our speakers get immediate credibility just by being on the list and speaking to an audience gives you the opportunity to add value to both existing and potential clients.

Even if you’re a novice speaker, we can help you to develop and deliver a compelling presentation. Just ask for details.[/luv_icon_box]

[luv_icon_box title_tag=”h3″ icon_size=”56″ color_scheme=”default” title=”Current Schedule” icon=”luv-svg-icon linea-icon-basic-calendar” title_font_size=”18px” title_responsive_font_size=”true” title_font_color=”#000000″ font_size=”15px”]

Derby Business Show
TBC 2022


Teesside Expo
30th September 2021


West Yorkshire Expo
7th October 2021


North East Expo
4th November 2021


South Yorkshire Expo
14th October 2021


TBC 2022


Jill Roe

“I have attended every single event that Marc and his team have held in the North East of England. I incorporate going to the Expos as part of my yearly marketing strategy. They have proven invaluable for building local business relationships and contacts.”

Jill Roe

Rebecca Everson – Exhibitor Teesside Biz Show

I wanted to say thank you so much for an amazing event! The set up was outstanding, location amazing and such an enjoyable day for us.  We will 100% be doing another one!

Rebecca Everson

Graeme Jordan – Speaker

I’ve attended Fresh Start Events shows for several years now. Great events – well planned, good buzz about them. I’ve really valued the speaking opportunities as well. Both aspects have helped my company to raise its profile and win new work.

Graeme Jordan
STO Consulting

Phil Dean – Exhibitor NE Expo

The North East Expo is one of the most significant dates in the North East Business calendar and for us at PG Legal it is an event not to be missed. We ensure that we have the best plans in placed as we have received valuable work directly as a result of our attendance there. The seminars are great and attract a large number of potential clients to the event who otherwise would have no reason to attend. Add to that the opportunity to meet and network with other exhibitors, all in all makes the North East Expo an absolute must.

Phil Dean
PG Legal

Craig Collinson – Speaker

Hi Marc & Lorraine

A quick line to say a huge thank you for your efforts that made yesterday such an excellent event.

It was far and away the most calm, professional and well organised event of it’s type I’ve ever been part of.

The feedback, connections and discussions about potential paid work and collaborations have already begun for us, as you said they would.

As I stated yesterday please count me/Pam in for any future events that you feel would be right for you and us.

Craig Collinson

Speaker at Sheffield Business Show

Steve McGarvie – Exhibitor NE Expo

Absolutely brilliant day, how can I sign up for the next one?

Yorkshire Rewards – From Twitter

Yorkshire Rewards had a great time yesterday at the Sheffield Business Show meeting and networking with a variety of the region’s top businesses.

Dave Algeo – Speaker NE Expo

Hi Marc
Just wanted to touch base and let you know that as a result of the NE Expo last month I received an enquiry form a member of the audience which has led to delivering a session to their team.
So firstly thank you for the chance to speak again at the Expo – not only is the work worthwhile but so is the fact that they are a high pressure engineering company and it’s good for me to work with new industry areas (having predominantly delivered to public sector).
So cheers and as always I will promote the benefits of speaking at your events to budding speakers – not just for the experience but the real potential for work.
Dave Algeo – Stressed Guru
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Events per year

[luv_icon icon_size="36" color_scheme="default" icon="fa fa-child"][luv_separator width="100%" height="10px" block="true"][luv_counter type="normal" step="10" font_family="Poppins" font_weight="400" font_size="32px"]750[/luv_counter][luv_separator width="100%" height="1px" block="true"]


[luv_icon icon_size="36" color_scheme="default" icon="ion-person-stalker"][luv_separator width="100%" height="10px" block="true"][luv_counter type="normal" step="100" font_family="Poppins" font_weight="400" font_size="32px"]10000[/luv_counter][luv_separator width="100%" height="1px" block="true"]


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Seminars & Workshops


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